Police Jury Meeting Notes: November 1, 2023
Posted: Nov 2, 2023, 10:00 AM
Bossier Parish’s Director of Public Works Mark Coutee has officially turned in his keys after 28 years of what one Police Jury member called an “…exemplary career of public service to the people of the parish in a job that truly is a 24/7 responsibility.”
During Wednesday’s jury meeting, Coutee was the subject of a resolution of appreciation for his contributions to Bossier Parish and the Police Jury along with congratulations and well wishes on his retirement. Coutee began his career as a member of road crews in the police jury’s highway department before working his way to the top spot.
Jury members praised Coutee for his dedication to the job of maintaining the parish infrastructure, noting occasions when he was on the scene during floods, tornados, and winter storms that covered parish roads with ice and snow.
“When many of us were asleep, Mark was out making sure our roads were clear and helping his crews wherever they were working,” jury member Glenn Benton said.
Also, during Wednesday’s meeting, police jurors agreed to schedule a public hearing on December 6 to consider the adoption of an ordinance regulating the sale and use of fireworks. Parish Attorney Patrick Jackson said he planned to present a parish ordinance based on the Bossier City model. All vendors who sell fireworks will be invited to attend the public hearing, Jackson said.
In other business Wednesday, jury members:
- Approved the application of Leda Gowetski, for a zoning amendment to change the zoning classification of a certain tract of land being .575 acres, more or less, located in Section 8, Township 18 North, Range 11 West, Bossier Parish, LA, from Nonconforming R-A, Residence-Agricultural District, to B-2, Limited Business District; located on the south side of Highway 80, approximately 700 feet west of LA Highway 157, for an existing embroidery shop.
- Approved the application of Leda Gowetski, for a zoning amendment to change the zoning classification of a certain tract of land being .575 acres, more or less, located in Section 8, Township 18 North, Range 11 West, Bossier Parish, LA, from Nonconforming R-A, Residence-Agricultural District, to R-MHS, Residential Manufactured Home Subdivision District, located on the south side of LA Highway 80 west and adjacent to LA Highway 157, for placement of a tiny home.
- Approved the minor plat for Leda Gowestski, located in Section 8, Township 18 North, Range 11 West, Bossier Parish, LA, located off Highway 80.
- Approved the application of Jacob Malone, Raley and Associates, for a zoning amendment to change the zoning classification of a certain tract of land being 105.8 acres, more or less, located in Section 7, Township 18 North, Range 11 West, Bossier Parish, LA, from R-A, Residence Agriculture District, to R-LD, Residential Low-Density District, located on the west side of LA Highway 80 and adjacent to the Hills of Eastwood Subdivision, for a single-family residential subdivision named B.A. Kelly Highway 80 Subdivision.
- Approved the plat of the proposed development of Trosclair Estates Subdivision, being a resub division of Tract 1 of the Minor Plat for B&L Bearden, LLC, located in Section 23, Township 19 North, Range 13 West, Bossier Parish, LA; located off Deen Point Road, previously approved by the Bossier Parish Police Jury on July 19, 2023.
- Adopted an ordinance prohibiting the use of “jake brakes” or “unmuffled compression brakes” on Sligo Road.
- Adopted an ordinance prohibiting the parking of vehicles on all portions of Marshall Road and South Marshall Road, located in Section 34, Township 19 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish, LA. (The matter was tabled on 10/18/2023.)
- Scheduled a public hearing on December 6, 2023, to consider the application of Ryan Estess, Raley & Associates, to the Bossier City – Parish MPC, for a zoning amendment to change the zoning classification from R-LD (Residential Low Density) to B-1 (Business Commercial Office) for a proposed office complex, on a certain tract of land being 2.864 acres, more or less, located in Section 14, Township 18 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish, LA; located off of Highway 80.
- Scheduled a public hearing on December 6, 2023, for Forest Hills Commercial Subdivision, Unit No. 1, located in Section 14, Township 18 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish, LA; located off of Highway 80.
- Accepted report on meeting of Road/Subdivision Regulations Committee.
- Accepted recommendation from Property Standards Board of Review to proceed to condemnation hearing on three properties; approved condemnation of property located at 228 Bodcau Station Road, Haughton.
- Tabled indefinitely discussion on pending litigation “James McCormick D.D.S., et al vs Butch Ford, et al, Suit No. 164341, 26th Judicial District Court, Bossier Parish, LA.” (The matter was tabled on October 18, 2023.)
- Approved Amendment No. 4 to the Professional Services Agreement for Roadside Vegetation Management with EDKO, LLC, Project No. 2020-117, Roadside Vegetation Management, and authorize the execution of documents. (The matter was tabled on October 18, 2023.)
- Approved applications for renewal of Bossier Parish beer/liquor licenses for 2024. (Approved by the Sheriff and health department.)
- Approved applications for renewal of Bossier Parish beer/liquor licenses for 2024, subject to approval by the health department. (Approved by the Sheriff’s Department.)
- Approved the application of Laura Kirkland for a 2024 Bossier Parish beer/liquor license at Kirkland’s Grocery, 13377 Hwy 157 N, Haughton, LA, subject to approval by the Health Department. (Approved by the Sheriff’s Office.)
- Agreed to terminate the industrial tax exemption program contracts with A. W. Chesterton Company and J & R Juneau, LLC.
- Accepted the proposal from Volkert, Inc., for GIS Data Entry Assistance.
- Approved Certificate of Substantial Completion for Project No. 2021-120, Proposed Street Improvements, DR 4263 PW 910 Paved Roads – Task Order No. 8.
- Accepted the Supplemental Agreement No. 2, from Forte and Tablada, for the Smith Road Bridge over Red Chute Bayou.
- Adopted an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 4890, previously adopted on June 1, 2022, regarding the posting of Poole Road for local traffic only.
- Accepted Certificate of Substantial Completion for Project No. 2022-125, FY 2022 - LCDBG Sewer System Improvements, Gray Lake Gray Duck Lift Station.