
Police Jury Meeting Notes: November 16, 2022

Posted: Nov 18, 2022, 6:02 PM

Oil and gas exploration plays a big part in the economics of Bossier Parish, and the parish police jury Wednesday moved to help alleviate an issue that has accompanied some of the drilling and well completion process.

A new noise ordinance designed to accommodate both the industry and residents living near drilling and production sites received unanimous approval following months of deliberation between parish staff and representatives of oil and gas companies.

"We met with consultants and members of the oil and gas industry at least a half dozen times, maybe more, to go through changes and try to meet their needs while preserving the rights of landowners in Bossier Parish," parish attorney Patrick Jackson told jury members. "We think we have done that."

Jackson said the new ordinance contained substantial changes, most of them industry requested. He said the process of collaboration with the industry had proved to be "...educational for both sides."

"We consider this a living document," Jackson said. "We tried to find a way to say yes to both sides. Noise is one of those super-specialized issues. We tried to make a working document that allows the harvest of minerals of Bossier Parish within an economic scale and allow those who don't have mineral rights to be protected in the process."

Jackson said once the ordinance is adopted, it could become a model for other parishes to consider.

During Wednesday's meeting, police jury members also:

  • Awarded bid for Project No. 2022-109, South Bossier Park – new athletic fields, in accordance with bids received November 10, 2022.
  • Adopted an ordinance amending Chapter 46 of the Bossier Parish Code of Ordinances, “Environment,” to add/and or amend certain sections and/or subsections. (Tabled on November 2.)
  • Approved the Map of Partition for Charles L. Ford, Jr., Mark A. Ford, Susan Mitchell Scott, Cindy Ann Wheeler, John William Miears, and Cindy Butterfield Miears, located in Section 6, Township 23 North, Range 11 West, Bossier Parish; located off Shiloh Road and Oglee Road.
  • Established a speed limit of 25 miles per hour on Bullfight Road, located in Section 3, Township 16 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish; located off Caplis Sligo Road.
  • Approved application of Durr Engineering, LLC, to the Haughton Parish MPC, for a zoning amendment to change the zoning classification of three tracts of land totaling approximately 18 acres, located at the northwest corner of State Highway 157 and Highway 80, in Section 8, Township 18 North, Range 11 West, Bossier Parish, from R-A, Residential Agriculture District, to l-1, Light Industrial District, for a storage facility.
  • Scheduled a public hearing on December 21 to consider approval of the plat of the proposed development of Coleman subdivision, located in Section 20, Township 20 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish; located off Maggio Road.
  • Scheduled a public hearing on December 21 to consider designating Cypress Bend subdivision as a golf cart community and designating all roadways in Cypress Bend subdivision as golf cart friendly.
  • Scheduled a public hearing on December 21 to consider adoption of impact fees for water customers for Consolidated Waterworks/Sewerage District No. 1 of the Parish of Bossier.
  • Scheduled a public hearing on December 21 to consider adoption of impact fees for water customers for Consolidated Waterworks/Sewerage District No. 2 of the Parish of Bossier.
  • Scheduled a public hearing on December 21 to amend a resolution adopted by Consolidated Waterworks/Sewerage District No. 1 Board of Supervisors on September 15, 2021, adopting water and sewer rates, to include water rates for mobile home parks, industrial establishments, and large commercial establishments.
  • Accepted report on meeting of the Property Standards Board of Review and agreed to move to condemnation hearings on four properties.
  • Accepted report on meeting of the Policy and Procedures Committee and established a parish animal control policy.
  • Ratified approval of Bossier Parish Police Jury insurance rates for the year 2023.
  • Approved the professional services contract with Ginger Adam Corley for governmental relations for the year 2023.
  • Approved applications for renewal of Bossier Parish beer/liquor licenses for 2023, subject to approval by the health department. (Approved by the Sheriff’s Department.)
  • Approved applications for renewal of Bossier Parish beer/liquor licenses for 2023. (Approved by the Sheriff and Health Department.)
  • Approved request to amend the 2022 Bossier Parish beer/liquor license for Johnny’s Pizza House #15, 5510 Airline Drive, Bossier City, approved on October 20, 2021, to add Ms. Jennifer Prine as an applicant.
  • Approved request to amend the 2022 Bossier Parish beer/liquor license for Johnny’s Pizza House #25, 1120 Highway 80 East, Haughton, approved on October 20, 2021, to add Ms. Jennifer Prine as an applicant.
  • Approved request to amend the 2022 Bossier Parish beer/liquor license for Our Place Bar and Grill, 300 Cryer Camp Road, Elm Grove, approved on November 17, 2021, to add Ms. Debra Davidson as an applicant.
  • Adopted resolutions supporting applications for the FY2022-2023 Local Government Assistance Program.
  • Adopted resolutions supporting applications for the FY2022-2023 Community Water Enrichment Fund.
  • Adopted resolution authorizing the publication of a Notice of Intention to expand the boundaries of Consolidated Waterworks/Sewerage District No. 1 of the Parish of Bossier, State of Louisiana, and providing for other matters in connection therewith.
  • Adopted resolution authorizing the publication of a Notice of Intention to reduce the boundaries of Consolidated Waterworks/Sewerage District No. 2 of the Parish of Bossier, State of Louisiana, and providing for other matters in connection therewith.
  • Adopted resolution approving the legal merger between Village Water System, Inc., and Consolidated Waterworks/Sewerage District No. 1 of the Parish of Bossier, Louisiana (the “District”), with the District being the surviving entity, and authorize the Parish Administrator or Parish President to execute any and all documents or contracts in connection with the merger of Village Water System, Inc., into the District.
  • Adopted resolution authorizing the Parish Administrator or Parish President to execute any and all documents in connection with the Town Lake Boulevard (Innovation Drive) and Dairy Lane extension project.