Posted: Apr 7, 2022, 8:00 PM
David North of the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) told Bossier Parish Police Jury members Wednesday that construction on the Linton Rd. bridge over Black Bayou could be completed by late summer.
DOTD is supervising the construction project. North said the contractor is currently working under a revised schedule that shows an anticipated completion date in late July.
“We have given change orders for 34 days of added time because of the availability of materials, and there’s a request for weather days…we’re under a calendar day contract,” he explained. North said the completion date would be “running close” to the opening day of schools in the parish.
Jury member Philip Rodgers, whose District 3 includes the bridge project, questioned North about an issue he believes could be contributing to the slow progress on construction.
“I go down there at least once a week and the contractor has six people working,” he said. “It’s like this is a side job for them and they go home at three o’clock. What are the consequences if July rolls around and we’re still three months out? It’s very frustrating to people who live on the other side of that bridge.”
North said the contractor has advertised for additional staff, but has had little success in hiring additional people.
During Wednesday’s meeting police jury members also: