Contracts for 20 projects around the state, including two that will impact Bossier Parish, have been let according to the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD).
Low bids presented by 18 contractors totaling $198.2 million were received Nov. 10.
DOTD Secretary Shawn D. Wilson, Ph.D., said one of the projects will address a heavily traveled section of Interstate 20 in Caddo and Bossier parishes.
“We’ll be rehabilitating approximately 10 miles of I-20 in Shreveport and Bossier City, a much-needed improvement to this busy corridor that sees nearly 100,000 vehicles daily on some stretches,” he said. That project carries a price tag of just over $82.5 million.
One other Bossier Parish project will see exit ramp extension on I-20 at LA Hwy. 157 at a cost of $1.184 million.
For additional details on all projects, please visit: