In order to spend federal dollars on local transportation projects and programs, a metropolitan area must have a Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP, or the Long-Range Transportation Plan).
An MTP must be financially constrained, cover at least a 20-year planning horizon and must adhere to the principles laid out in federal surface transportation funding legislation and the final rules governing metropolitan planning.
An MTP identifies how the metropolitan area will manage and operate a multi-modal transportation system including transit, highway, bicycle, pedestrian and accessible transportation by taking federally mandated principles and incorporating them into regionally applicable goals.
Public input is being sought by the Northwest Louisiana Council on Governments (NLCOG) to help ensure strategies and projects represented in the plan have a better chance of reflecting the community’s needs and vision of the future transportation system.
Following three steps will help provide feedback to help shape the vision for the NLCOG 2045 master transportation plan. Those are:
For further information, please contact NLCOG by phone (318-841-5950), email (, or visit