Posted: Jul 10, 2020, 3:30 PM
The Bossier Parish Police Jury will follow the Governor’s directive not to hold public gatherings in excess of fifty-percent (50%) of the total occupancy as determined by the State Fire Marshal on Wednesday, July 15, 2020. As provided by the Governor’s order, the Jury will meet in person and limited members of the public will be able to be in physical attendance. In a statement the Police Jury said:
“In an effort to protect the public during the COVID-19 health emergency, the following guidelines are hereby established to allow public participation to the fullest extent possible while maintaining public safety:
(1) To comply with the Louisiana Governor’s Proclamation 84 JBE 2020 limiting public gatherings in excess of fifty-percent (50%) of the total occupancy as determined by the State Fire Marshall, public attendance will be limited at the meeting site. For those in attendance, the individual will be required to wait outside the courthouse and when the item for which the individual would like to provide comment, let your presence be known and you will be allowed in one at a time to make your comments. The public waiting outside the courthouse will be dispersed in accordance with current public health guidelines. In addition to the previous precautions, the meeting will be live-streamed via the Bossier Parish Police Jury Facebook page beginning at 1:30 p.m. for the Finance Committee Meeting and 2:00 p.m. for the regular meeting;
(2) The public and staff members will be required to wear face masks while in the police jury meetings; and
(3) The public will also be allowed and is encouraged to send questions or comments regarding items on the agenda to be read into the record of the meeting. Questions and comments can be submitted in advance of the meeting by telephone (318) 965-2329, fax (318) 965-3703, or email to Ms. Rachel Hauser, Parish Secretary, at . Your name and address will be required in order for your questions or comments to be considered at the meeting.
The Finance Committee meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m., and the Regular Meeting be held at 2:00 p.m. The voting agendas include mostly housekeeping items, conducting public hearings, scheduling public hearings, and various other items that require action by the Bossier Parish Police Jury.
The full texts of the agendas will be available on the police jury website at
William Altimus, Administrator
Bossier Parish Police Jury