
Forest Hills Turn Lane

Posted: Jul 26, 2021, 3:34 PM

Bossier Parish Police Jury Highway Dept. crews are adding a right-hand turn lane to help alleviate heavy traffic exiting Forest Hills subdivision onto U.S. Hwy. 80.

Police Jury member Glenn Benton, who represents the Forest Hills area, said the new turn lane will be especially helpful during early mornings when parish schools are in session and traffic is heaviest.

“There are six schools that serve the kids here and traffic gets really backed up with just one lane to handle the cars exiting the subdivision,” Benton said. “When cars are waiting to cross Highway 80 to turn west, the rest of the traffic wanting to turn east has a long wait.”

Benton said the turn lane will help traffic flow and will provide a much higher level of safety for drivers.

Work on the new turn lane is expected to be completed before parish schools open the second week in August.

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