
Police Jury Meeting Notes: May 5, 2022

Posted: May 9, 2022, 8:07 AM

A ribbon cutting ceremony Friday officially opened an approximately two-mile addition to the Arthur Ray Teague multi-use trail, extending the trail south from the Lake Caroline boat launch to Parkway High School.

Parish Police Jury members had accepted a certificate of substantial completion and approved a quitclaim deed on all improvements during Thursday's regular meeting.

David Jones, representing the Red River Waterway Commission, said the southern leg of the trail was aimed at improving the quality of life in the area. He said the Waterway Commission's decision to fund the $1.8 million project was an easy one to make.

"After the presentation from the parish, we voted that day to approve the project. It was an easy bite to take," Jones said. "This new addition adds to one of the Commission's most popular destinations. You may not believe it, but this trail attracts roughly a quarter-million visitors annually."

Bossier Parish Administrator Butch Ford said cooperation of local agencies and financial support from the Waterway Commission is what makes the trail something special.

"This benefits the people of our city and parish and it reflects what can be done when we work together," Ford said. "We look forward to more partnerships that will keep us moving in the right direction."

During Thursday's regular meeting, jury members:

  • Authorized advertising for bids for Official Journal of the Bossier Parish Police Jury for the period of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023; bids to be received June 1, 2022.
  • Authorized the advertising for bids for Project No. 2022-105, North-South Corridor Phase II project; bid date to be determined.
  • Awarded bid for Dogwood booster station telemetry, to install new telemetry system between the booster station Well No. 3 and Well No. 4, for Consolidated Waterworks/Sewerage District No. 1 of the Parish of Bossier, FY 2020-2021 Community Water Enrichment Fund, CWEF File No. 2021-CWEF-BSR-0001, in accordance with bids received April 19.
  • Approved plat of the proposed development of Cane’s Landing subdivision, Unit No. 2, a gated subdivision, being a resubdivision of a portion of Lots 2 and 3, Big Bee Bend Plantation subdivision, located in Section 33, Township 19 North, Range 13 West, Bossier Parish; located off Airline Dr.
  • Approved plat of the proposed development of Cane’s Landing subdivision, Unit No. 3, a gated subdivision, being a resubdivision of a portion of Lots 2 and 3, Big Bee Bend Plantation subdivision, located in Section 33, Township 19 North, Range 13 West, Bossier Parish; located off Airline Dr.
  • Approved plat of the proposed development of Bee Bend Acres subdivision, Unit No. 3, being a resubdivision of Lots 1 and 2, Bee Bend Acres subdivision, Unit No. 2, located in Section 28, Township 19 North, Range 13 West, Bossier Parish; located off Airline Dr.
  • Scheduled a public hearing on June 1, to consider approval of the plat of the proposed development of Montgomery Suburban Acres subdivision, Unit No. 1-C, being a resubdivision of Lot 23, Montgomery Suburban Acres subdivision, Unit No. 1-B, located in Section 35, Township 20 North, Range 13 West, Bossier Parish; Favorable recommendation by the Benton Parish MPC; located off Linton Rd.
  • Scheduled a public hearing on June 1 to consider approval of the plat of the proposed development of Fairburn subdivision, Unit No. 5A, being a resubdivision of Lots 2 and 3, Fairburn subdivision, located in Section 17, Township 19 North, Range 13 West, Bossier Parish; Favorable recommendation by the Benton Parish MPC; located off Kingston Rd.
  • Scheduled a public hearing on June 1 to consider approval of the site plan of the proposed development of Fairburn subdivision, Unit No. 5A, being a resubdivision of Lots 2 and 3, Fairburn Subdivision, located in Section 17, Township 19 North, Range 13 West, Bossier Parish, LA; Favorable recommendation by the Benton Parish MPC; located off Kingston Rd. (Police Jury District 3)
  • Accepted recommendation of the Property Standards Board of Review to move to condemnation hearing on two parcels of property.
  • Accepted report on meeting of the Road/Subdivision Regulations Committee.
  • Announced the police jury’s intention to hold a public meeting in the Police Jury meeting room on June 15 to adopt an ordinance levying the 2022 ad valorem property tax millages.
  • Approved application of David Alvis for a 2022 Bossier Parish beer/liquor license at Cork & Barrel, 5212 Airline Dr., Bossier City. (Approved by the Sheriff and health department.)
  • Declined a request from Give for Good for discretionary funds for Community Support Programs, Inc., a non-profit agency providing social services in northwest Louisiana.
  • Approved Change Order No. 4 for Project No. 2019-115, electronic upgrade at the Bossier Parish Maximum Security facility.
  • Approved a proposal from Beast Engineering for engineering services for State Project No. H.007400, North Bossier shared use trail, Phase II.
  • Approved an amendment to the proposal of Pulley Construction, Inc., for emergency repairs of an 8-inch gravity sewer main at 108 Magnolia Chase Dr., Magnolia Chase subdivision, on behalf of Consolidated Waterworks/Sewerage District No. 1 of the Parish of Bossier.
  • Approved request for a variance of parish regulations to allow a home to be built below the road surface level at 104 Juli Lane, Benton.
  • Accepted the Certificate of Substantial Completion and approved Quitclaim Deed quitclaiming all improvements, including asphalt trail, pavilions, parking lots, benches, fencing, etc., and improvements including that portion of the Teague trail extension (2020) and associated features located on Bossier Parish’s property constructed pursuant to a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the Red River Waterway District and Bossier Parish for the Extension of the Arthur Ray Teague Multi-Use Trail adopted December 16, 2020.