
Police Jury Meeting Notes: September 1, 2021

Posted: Sep 2, 2021, 4:51 PM

Bossier Parish Police Jury members received information on a major privately-funded infrastructure project that, according to Shreveport attorney William Bradford, “…will help grow our economy, grow our communities and grow them closer together.”

Bradford, representing infrastructure development company Tim James Inc. of Alabama, briefed the jurors on a proposed project that would span the Red River and connect La. Hwy. 3132 from its current terminus to U.S. Hwy. 71 near Parkway High School.

“This project is completely privately funded. We’re not asking for incentives, no taxpayer money, no land,” Bradford explained. “All the roadway will be dedicated for public use except the bridge, which will be toll.”

Total cost of the project is estimated between $60-$80 million and should take roughly two years to complete once design and permitting stages have been finished. Bradford said taking all necessary steps into consideration, opening date could be 2026.

“This is a testament to how connected our communities are,” he said. “Mr. James looks at maps and he sees we have a river that divides yet connects. This project fits into his model. It mirrors the Foley Beach Expressway.”

Also at Wednesday’s meeting, police jury members:

  • Adopted property tax millage rates for 2021.
  • Rescinded Ordinance No. 4841 adopted on July 21, 2021.
  • Approved the application of Sanjeev Wahi to the Bossier City-Parish Metropolitan Planning Commission for a zoning amendment to change the zoning classification of a certain tract of land being 2 acres, more or less, located at the intersection of Swan Lake Rd. and Duckwater Landing Dr., Bossier City, in Section 26, Township 19 North, Range 13 West, from B-1, Business, Commercial Office District, to B-3, General Business District, for a proposed convenience store with fuel sales and a commercial strip center.
  • Approved the plat of the proposed development of Swan Lake Commercial subdivision, Unit No. 2, being a resubdivision of Swan Lake Commercial subdivision, Unit No. 1, located in Section 26, Township 19 North, Range 13 West, Bossier Parish. (Located on the corner of Swan Lake Rd. and Duckwater Landing Rd.)
  • Agreed to table the site plan for Swan Lake Commercial subdivision, Unit No. 2, being a resubdivision of Swan Lake Commercial subdivision, Unit No. 1, located in Section 26, Township 19 North, Range 13 West, Bossier Parish to await traffic study. (Located on the corner of Swan Lake Rd. and Duckwater Landing Rd.)
  • Approved the plat of the proposed development of Crown Pointe subdivision, located in Sections 1 and 2, Township 20 North, Range 14 West, Bossier Parish. (Located off Old Plain Dealing Rd.)(Tabled on August 18.)
  • Granted a 30-day extension on property located at 308 Pease Road, Haughton.
  • Removed from further action property located at 8607 Hollow Bluff Drive, Haughton.
  • Agreed to move to condemnation of property located at 508 Weavers Way, Bossier City, for health and safety concerns.
  • Accepted report on meeting of the Road/Subdivision Regulations Committee.
  • Accepted report on meeting of the Health, Water Sanitation and Sewer District Committee.
  • Accepted report on meeting of the Finance Committee.
  • Approved the application of Consolidated Waterworks/Sewerage District No. 1 of the Parish of Bossier for an appropriation of funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to be used to construct a new water well and to tie the new water well into an existing water system that will provide water to the Dogwood subdivision area.
  • Approved the application of Consolidated Waterworks/Sewerage District No. 1 of the Parish of Bossier for an appropriation of funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to be used to tie into a sewer collection system from Magnolia Chase subdivision to the Parish’s Public Owned Treatment Works (POTW) located off Cash Point Rd.
  • Ratified adoption of a proclamation proclaiming August 29 as Deacon Berle Winston, Sr., Day.
  • Approved the application of Jennifer Elkins for a 2021 Bossier Parish beer/liquor license at Mama’s Bar & Grill, 5510 Airline Dr., Suite 106, Bossier City, subject to approval by the health department. (approved by the Sheriff’s department.)
  • Adopted an ordinance setting forth the 2020 Census counts in each current Bossier Parish Police Jury District and determining whether redistricting is required.
  • Adopted a resolution authorizing the President to execute an Administrative Services Contract between the Bossier Parish Police Jury and the Coordinating and Development Corporation for Louisiana Community Development Block Grant administrative services for FY2022-FY2023.
  • Approved a Waiver of Surface Rights wherein the Bossier Parish Police Jury waives its rights, if any, to use the surface of a 21.629-acre tract of land with a physical address of 4915 Hazel Jones Rd., Bossier City, by virtue of the mineral reservation contained in the Cash Sale Deed by Bossier Parish Police Jury to Tri-State Oil Tool Industries, Inc., dated November 9, 1983, recorded under Registry Number 395887 in Conveyance Book 773, Page 175, on November 28, 1983, said property now owned by Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations, LLC, for any use whatsoever, including, without limitations, the exploration, extraction and production of oil, gas and other minerals, and authorize the execution of documents.
  • Approved a Joint Funding Agreement between United States Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey and Bossier Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness for Water Resource Investment for the period of October 1, 2021, to September 30, 2022.
  • Accepted a proposal of David W. Volentine, MAI, for appraisal services for Modica Lott Rd. extension.
  • Adopted a resolution authorizing the Parish Administrator or Parish President to execute any and all documents in connection with the acquisition of the Highland Waterworks system.
  • Accepted a proposal of Business Valuation Consultants to review appraisal report for the Highland Waterworks system.
  • Accepted streets and drainage in Canal Place subdivision, Unit No. 2, into the parish road system for permanent maintenance.
  • Approved request for a variance of parish regulations to allow a home to be built below the road surface level at 1114, 1116, 1118, 1120, 1122, 1124 and 1126 Greenwood Circle, Haughton.
  • Accepted streets and drainage in Dogwood South subdivision, Unit No. 21, into the parish road system for permanent maintenance.
  • Accepted the sewer main extension and improvements in Dogwood South subdivision, Unit No. 21, into the Consolidated Waterworks/Sewerage District No. 1 of the Parish of Bossier sewer system for permanent maintenance.