Police Jury Meeting Notes: May 20, 2020
Posted: May 21, 2020, 4:50 PM
High speed broad band availability to areas of Bossier Parish which currently are not served could be a matter for study for the parish Police Jury in the near future.
A pair of Benton residents asked police jury members Wednesday to consider forming a committee to look at what can be done to convince providers to find solutions to high-speed internet services in rural areas.
“We need a voice,” Scott Alexander told jury members.
Police Jury President Jimmy Cochran agreed to take the request under advisement and confer with members of the police jury plus other individuals who have expertise in providing internet services.
Cochran said the jury would address the issue again at its June 17 meeting.
“We need time to get together with our people so we can discuss this and see what is the best manner in which to approach this problem,” Cochran said.
In other business at Wednesday’s meeting, police jury members:
- Adopted ordinance prohibiting the use of “jake brakes” or “unmuffled compression brakes” on Old Plain Dealing Road, from Hwy. 160 intersection to Ballard Rd.
- Adopted ordinance amending Chapter 94 of the Bossier Parish Code of Ordinances, “Roads and Bridges,” to add Article V “Small Wireless Facilities,” which provides a fair and predictable process for the deployment of small wireless facilities, while enabling the Parish to promote the management of the right-of-way in the overall interests of the public health, safety, and welfare.
- Tabled issue of site plan for the proposed Dollar General subdivision.
- Approved the plat of the proposed development of Fairburn subdivision, Unit No. 4, being a resubdivision of Lot 1, Fairburn subdivision, Unit No. 3.
- Increased speed limit on a portion of Young Road, beginning at Coker Road/Bass Road east to Highway 160, from 25 miles per hour to 45 miles per hour.
- Scheduled a public hearing on July 1 to consider the application of Andrew Craig, Mohr & Associates, Inc., to the Bossier City-Parish Metropolitan Planning Commission, for a zoning amendment to change the zoning classification of a certain tract of land being one (1) acre, more or less, located directly east of Johnny’s Pizza and across Highway 80 from Brookshires Grocery from R-A, Residence-Agricultural District, to B-3, General Business District, for a proposed Bunn Package Liquor Store with drive-through frozen daiquiri sales.
- Scheduled a public hearing on July 1 to consider the application of Andrew Craig, Mohr & Associates, Inc., to the Bossier City-Parish Metropolitan Planning Commission, for a Conditional Use Approval for the sale of high and low content alcohol for off-premise consumption at a proposed liquor store with drive-through frozen daiquiri sales, located directly east of Johnny’s Pizza and across Highway 80 from Brookshires Grocery.
- Scheduled a public hearing on July 1 to consider approval of the plat of the proposed development of Myers Road Estates.
- Scheduled condemnation hearings on June 3 to condemn property located at 2774 Bellevue Road, Haughton; to condemn property located at 5749 Highway 80, Princeton; to condemn property located at 1097 C C Sandidge Road, Elm Grove; and delayed action on condemnation hearing on property located at 5410 Hwy. 3, Bossier City.
- Adopted a resolution proclaiming May 22 as National Maritime Day.
- Approved request of Sportspectrum for a letter of no objection to the selling of beer at the annual Rivercities Triathlon on August 2 at the Cypress-Black Bayou Recreation Park.
- Approved a Multi-Jurisdictional Consortium Agreement nominating Richard “Mike” McCormick, President of the Sabine Parish Police Jury, as “Chief Elected Official” for the purpose of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), acknowledging that the Sabine Parish Police Jury shall serve as the local grant recipient and The Coordinating & Development Corporation as the grant subrecipient/fiscal agent, and authorize execution of documents.
- Approved an amended agreement by and between the Bossier Parish Police Jury and Jeanine Johnson, pertaining to the placement of a concrete driveway located on Lots 1 and 2, Forest Hills Subdivision, Unit No. 10.
- Approved Supplement No. 4 to the agreement with Civil Design Group, LLC, for construction administration for the West Linton Road extension, Project No. 2019-132.
- Approved proposal of Coyle Engineering Co., Inc., for the study of White Oak Drive ditch in Dogwood subdivision.
- Approved a 15-foot sewer servitude dedication for 2-inch force main, being located on Lots 20, 21, 22, and 23, Jones Cypress Gardens subdivision, Unit No. 2.
- Approved change order No. 4 for FY 2018 LCDBG Sewer System Improvements - Oak Hill Mobile Home Park project.