Police Jury Meeting Notes: January 15, 2020
Posted: Jan 16, 2020, 1:44 PM
Bossier Parish Police Jury members were administered the oath of office at 2020’s first meeting Wednesday, including one-third of the public body that will be serving a first term.
Four first-time office holders taking their seats on the 12-person panel are Philip Rodgers (Dist. 3), John Ed Jorden (Dist. 4), Chris Marsiglia (Dist. 6) and Charles Gray (Dist. 9).
A new administration was also named Wednesday, with Dist. 7 jury member Jimmy Cochran receiving unanimous approval as President of the body and Dist. 10’s Jerome Darby picked unanimously to serve as vice-president.
Both Cochran and Darby were unopposed for reelection and are long-time members of the jury.
Jury members also reappointed Bill Altimus as Parish Administrator for another one-year term and granted two-year terms to Parish Secretary Rachel Hauser and Parish Treasurer Joe Buffington.
In other business at Wednesday’s meeting, members:
- Approved the plat of the proposed development of McLemore Plantation subdivision, Unit No. 4, being a resubdivision of Lots 1 and 2 and a portion of west padra right-of-way, McLemore Plantation subdivision, Unit No. 3.
- Approved the Loughner lands map of survey showing, located in Section 23, Township 18 North, Range 11 West, Bossier Parish.
- Approved application of Michael Kelsch, Raley and Associates, Inc., to the Bossier City-Parish Metropolitan Planning Commission for a zoning amendment to change the zoning classification of a certain tract of land being 9.71 acres, from R-A, Residence-Agricultural District, to B-3, General Business District, for future commercial development.
- Approved application of Scott Yonker to the Bossier City-Parish Metropolitan Planning Commission for a zoning amendment to change the zoning classification of a tract of land being 4.5 acres, more or less, Lots 1 and 2B, Oak Hill Estates, located on the northwest corner of Mayflower Road and Sligo Road from R-LD, Residential, Low Density District, to R-A, Residence-Agricultural, for a 50’ x 150’ accessory structure for personal storage.
- Approved application of Ryan Estess, Raley and Associates, Inc., to the Bossier City-Parish Metropolitan Planning Commission for a zoning amendment to change the zoning classification of a certain tract of land being 2.08 acres from R-A, Residence-Agricultural, to R-MD, Residential, Medium Density District, for Pelican Pointe apartments.
- Approved the map of partition survey for Stovall.
- Approved plat of the proposed development of Candy Acres subdivision, Unit No. 1-A, being a 0.517-acre tract of land located in Lot 2, Candy Acres subdivision.
- Approved site plan for O’Reilly Auto Parts store, located at the corner of Airline Drive and North Willow Drive.
- Scheduled a public hearing on February 19 to consider amendments to Chapter 122 of the Bossier Parish Code of Ordinances, “Utilities,” to add and/or amend certain sections or subsections pertaining to water and sewer regulations.
- Scheduled a public hearing on February 19 to consider approval of the plat of the proposed development of Helm subdivision, Unit No. 1.
- 30-day review of properties located at 502 Wildlife Lane, Bossier City; 2003 Caplis Sligo Road, Bossier City; and 2090 Johnson Koran Road, Haughton.
- Authorized the advertising for requests for proposals for fiscal agent of the Bossier Parish Police Jury for the period of April 1, 2020, to April 1, 2023; to be received on February 24.
- Approved proposal of Cook & Morehart, Certified Public Accountants, for audit of Bossier Parish Police Jury financial records for fiscal year 2020.
- Authorized completion of the Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire in connection with the 2019 audit of Bossier Parish Police Jury financial records.
- Renewed the cooperative agreement with the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service for support and administration of the LSU Cooperative Extension Program.
- Approved an intergovernmental agreement between the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness and the Bossier Parish Police Jury allowing the state to provide contracting party assistance in arbitration for public assistance (PA) related to DR-4263 in the matter of Bossier Parish Police Jury CBCA 6651-FEMA, and authorize the execution of documents.
- Adopted a resolution to authorize the Bossier Parish Police Jury to acquire and/or expropriate all parcels, tracts, properties or servitudes required for construction and completion of state project No. H.013129.6, federal aid project No. H013129, Linton Road bridge over Black Bayou Reservoir project.
- Approved proposal of David W. Volentine, MAI, for appraisal services for three additional parcels required for the Swan Lake Road re-alignment over Flat River project.
- Approved change order No. 1 for Swan Lake Road bridge (South Bossier) project.
- Approved change order No. 1 for Kelli Road bridge over Flat River.
- Approved change order No. 1 for Sligo Road bridge over Foxskin Bayou.
- Ratified approval of an agreement between the Bossier Parish Police Jury and Empresa Operating, LLC, in connection with road improvements on Circle M Road.
- Approved supplemental agreement No. 1 to the proposal of Forte & Tablada for additional surveying, environmental services, construction documents and drainage servitude plats for the Johnson Koran Road bridge over Foxskin Bayou project.
- Approved proposal of Neel-Schaffer, Inc., for design services in connection with the Bossier Parish paved roads arbitration.
- Discussed possible actions for street repairs in Pine Creek Mobile Home Park.